

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pre-Trip Prep

Thanks for the comments on the video post. I promise that next time, I won't shoot a video on the same day that I'm working out.  I just had been meaning to do that video and figured I better get it done.  I'll plan ahead better so I won't stick myself in the "ugly faces" category.

As I'm composing this post, Countdown Clock in Firefox says I have 3 days 21 hours 23 minutes and 3 seconds until I leave for Disney World.

Being a veteran Disney traveler, a lot of preparing for a trip is automatic and instinctive for me.  It's like breathing - I don't have to think about it, I just do it.

So this is a first for me to actually document prepping for a trip.

On the docket for today:

Login in to and put my mail on hold. 
LOVE this feature.  I don't have to physically go to the local post office to do this.  I can set the date I want mail to be held and the day I want it stopped.  I can even tell the post office to deliver my held mail once I start delivery again.  It's so much easier than trying to arrange for someone to pick up my mail.

Finalize my grocery list.
I usually go grocery shopping myself at SuperTarget once we get settled into the resort. I'm thinking about using Garden Grocer, a grocery delivery service in Central Florida.  This is so not me.  I'm so Type-A - it's a huge control thing.  Plus, I'm one of those shoppers where I might think my list is finalized, but once I'm on the store I think of other things that I forgot. And if I order groceries and then realize I forgot something, then I have to make a run to the store anyway.  So why not do it myself?

I need to decide today before all their delivery slots are filled.  I'm thinking about doing it this time because our flight doesn't get into MCO until 7pm-ish.  We're going carry-on and getting a rental car from National so we'll be out of there tout suite, but I'm thinking that we won't be in the room before 8pm.  Now, I'm kinda wanting to check out the pool and get settled in.  But I might also be wound up because I'll be at Disney World.

So I need to decide that and place the order if I'm going to do it.

Schedule newsletter delivery.
I own two businesses.  I send out a newsletter for one of them on the 15th of the month.  I need to finish that draft and schedule it in Constant Contact to go out on the 15th.  By the way, I'm a Constant Contact goddess.  If you need Email Marketing, Constant Contact rocks and I know the ropes.

Check Rental Car Prices
Remember what I said previously about rental cars? You can cancel reservations at any point without a penalty.  I've probably canceled and re-booked the rental car for this trip 3 or 4 times as I find better prices. It's a daily thing now until I leave.

Stay on task.
Yeah, right.  I'm a pretty focused person - I don't usually need motivation to work.  My discipline borders on military.  That's part of the reason my virtual assistant business is called Can Do Virtual Assisting. "Can Do" is part and parcel of my makeup. 

But throw Disney World into the mix and I have to expend a little more energy on working.

What can I say; my O.D.D is in overdrive and I can't wait to indulge it.

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