

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Celebrate The Magic - June 15, 2010 - The Purple Van and AK

I know I said I'd talk about the party, but this update got a bit longer than I anticipated.  Since I know I'll have a lot to say about the party, I'll save that for the next posting.

We went to bed early and slept in a bit today.  A bit meaning that people got up after 7:30am.  We're early risers at my house anyway so sleeping in, even for my teens, doesn't happen frequently.

Over breakfast in the room, we decided that we'd head to Animal Kingdom since we hadn't been there yet.  Plus, the kids were clamoring for Kali River Rapids, especially since it was soooo hot.

Stefan was not in the mood for Cheerios, so we headed down the road to the McDonald's by the All-Stars since it was on the way to AK.  Stefan loves their breakfast burritos.  At the intersection, I had my first sighting this trip of The Purple Van from Owner's Locker!

Hi John!

So we got the food and drove the short distance to AK.  We had a fairly front parking spot, but there were a lot of people waiting for the tram.  We decided to walk it rather than wait for another tram to come along.  As it was, we got to the front area at about the same time.

It was just after opening, so it was still a little busy.

We got in and decided to head for Kilimanjaro Safaris.  The stand-by wait said 10 minutes, but the line was already outside the actual entrance.  We decided to get Fastpasses so we had about 40 minutes to kill.

Tip for AK:  Utilize every shop with A/C you can.  I do that everywhere, but it's darn near essential here.  The tropical-like nature of this park seems to condense the humidity and just makes it blech.

Stefan and Caitlin decided they needed a drumming break:

And then we happened to run into Flik with no wait.

We headed to Kali River Rapids.  Bryan took care of all the stuff because he doesn't ride rides where it says, "you WILL get wet."  Scoutmasters melt in water, don't you know?

So here's a few shots he snapped below.  I rode Kali once - the kids rode it three times in a row.

And the two of them totally soaked after their water adventures.

We headed back over to Kilimanjaro Safaris, used our Fastpasses and got right through.  I think we maybe waited in line 5 minutes before getting on a truck.  We saw fellow incentive group achiever Karen Z. there as well!

Here's a few shots from the Safari:

Birds on top of hippos under water

Hippo coming up for air

Baby Giraffe

Another baby giraffe lounging around

Baby elephant and mama
After the safari, we were hungry so we headed to our favorite counter service in all of Disney World - Flame Tree BBQ.  Bryan and Cate had the ribs and I had the BBQ Chicken Salad.  Stefan was still full from breakfast burritos.

We headed home after that for a break.

Since dinner was at the party and not until after 7pm, we did some grab & go at the Rix Cafe and ate in the room after a brief pool break.

Next up:  The private party at the Studios!

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