

Friday, May 28, 2010

New Online Dining Reservation System on

It never fails, does it?  Here I am talking about food...again.

But this is some pretty cool news.

In case you didn't know, advanced dining reservations (ADRs) can be made online at  The cool part is there is a new version in beta that is live right now.

Here are a few of the high points:

1.  I can search all restaurants on any given day.
Love this function!  There's nothing more sucky than having to search each restaurant individually if the first choice is not available.  Plus, it tells me all the available times within the search window for my party size.

2. Larger search window.
Previously, it would only search an hour on either side of the time you wanted.  So if I wanted lunch at 12 noon, it would search 11am-1pm for that date and specific restaurant.  Now it searches two hours on either side.  Love it.

3.  A few more search parameters are available.
I can search by specific location (resort or theme park) or by cuisine/dining experience.  I could search this way before, but the new setup is much more user friendly.

The only downside I've seen so far is that you can't search a range of dates like before.  This was handy if one of those hard-to-get ADRs (Le Cellier, Crystal Palace, etc.) is on the must-have list.  Since it's in beta, I'm hoping that people request that functionality be reinstated.

So check it out and let me know what you think.

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